Ministry Training Course: Occupational Certificate (OC) Application 2025

We thank God for you and we pray that the Lord would draw you to himself to equip and inspire you for the good works he has prepared for you to do, as you prepare to study with us.

Johannesburg Bible College is an accredited institution.
Accreditation number: SDP01190524-166

Johannesburg Bible College (JBC) is an affiliate of the Association of Christian Religious Practitioners (ACRP), please click here if you would like to know more about ACRP.

JBC is accredited with the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO), please click  here for more information on the QCTO.   


VERY IMPORTANT - Ensure that you have read through all the information below before completing the form. Please contact our office if you have any questions: +27 (0)11 830 0820 or +27 (0)72 079 0528 or you can email

Entrance requirements – to apply for this course you MUST:

ü have passed Matric OR have a NQF 4 certificate - you must upload your certificate to this form OR email it to
You must upload your ID/pasport & valid study permit to this form or email it to

ü be actively involved and a member of a local church

ü commit to two-years of full- time (Monday – Thursday) study OR 4 years of part-time study

ü have time in the week to complete assessments, reading, practical and workplace modules. This is in addition to your class attendance.

ü have a placement church where you can complete the practical and workplace modules at the church. Please ask your pastor/leader to complete the pastor's reference letter and the church will be asked to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (contract), stating that you can complete your practical and workplace modules at your church. This document will be sent to you via email once we have processed your application.

ü You may be interviewed as part of the application process.

ü We will register all students with the Association of Christian Religious Practitioners (ACRP).


If you meet these requirements, please complete this form.

We have limited space available.

We will not process incomplete application forms, please only submit one form per applicant.
We will not process your form until we have received a certified copy of your Matric certificate and a certified copy of your ID.

You will receive an email OR SMS regarding the outcome of your application, therefore ensure that your cell phone number and email information is correct.
Please allow 4 weeks before contacting us to check on the outcome of your application.

International applicants, if you are not a South African citizen or permanent resident you need to submit a certified copy of your passport and a valid permit that allows you to study in South Africa (examples: asylum/study/work). These documents must be valid at the time of application and registration.

If you have any problems filling out the form, please click here to request help.


If you do not have a valid email address please use

Academic Choice
Personal Information
Contact Information
Emergency Contact
Family Information
Employment Information
Church or Ministry Information
Educational Background
Previous Higher Education

Please answer as follows: Year you started and ended, Institution Name, Field of study

(example, BA Psychology; Result; Degree obtained; cancelled, failed etc).
Example: 2007-2010, Hudson University, BA Communication, Degree Obtained.
Please list all your previous studies.

Other Particulars

Selection is not based on your disability. The information is gathered to ensure that we have facilities and resources available to accommodate you.

Financial Arrangements

1.    We offer course fee bursaries only.
2.    You need to pay your registration fee of R2500.00 (this is payable at registration in 2025).
3.     The bursary does not cover registration, travel, food or accommodation.
4.     Once your application is processed and bursary and we have considered offering you a bursary, we will contact you to come in submit to submit documents that support your bursary application.

        You will be asked to come with a stamped bank statement or an affidavit; and a letter from your church.

Application Agreement 2025

1.The applicant, by signing this document, hereby consents to the use of his/her personal information contained herein and confirms that:
    1.1  the information is supplied voluntarily, without influence from any party and not under any duress.     

    1.2  the information supplied herewith is mandatory for the purposes of the agreement and that without such information, the Johannesburg Bible College will not enter into agreement with the applicant. 

2.The applicant acknowledges that he/she is aware thereof that he/she has the following rights regarding such personal information that is hereby collected. The right to:
    2.1  access the information at any reasonable time for purposes of rectification thereof. 
    2.2  object to the processing of the information, in which case this agreement will terminate in accordance with the provisions contained herein. 
    2.3  lodge a complaint to the Information Regulator.



Full Time:      2025 & 2026– Monday to Thursday
Part Time:     2025 – Monday & Tuesday (Year 1)
                       2026 – Wednesday & Thursday (Year 1)
                       2027 – Monday & Tuesday (Year 2)
                       2028 – Wednesday & Thursday (Year 2)

Reminder: The second year of this course is offered at our Auckland Park Campus. This means if you study at Soweto in 2025 you will be required to travel to Auckland Park Campus in 2026.

We kindly request your presence at the JBC orientation day to take place in  December 2024/January 2025.

We would like to invite your ministry leader or pastor alongside you. This gathering aims to provide you and your ministry leader with valuable information regarding the obligations and expectations associated with the duration of your studies at JBC. 

We believe it is essential for both JBC and your ministry leader to establish a solid understanding of the commitments required and the support needed throughout your time at JBC.

Your presence at this orientation day would greatly contribute to a successful and harmonious relationship between you, JBC and your ministry leader. 

Thank you for your attention, and we hope to welcome you on the JBC orientation day.


Please upload a certified copy of your ID OR Passport & Valid Visa

Please upload a certified copy of your Upload Matric certificate OR NQF 4 or Higher education certificates


Legal basis -I understand that the South African Constitution recognises my right to privacy as a fundamental right. The Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 protects me from harm by protecting my personal information. There are    also other laws with this aim. You are a private accredited institution and when you deal with me, you are performing 
public functions in terms of the Higher Education Act, 1997. This means that I need to give you some of my personal 
information when I apply to study at the Johannesburg Bible College (JBC) and when I register as a student. You use this information to carry out your mission to equip and inspire men and women for Bible teaching ministries.    
Aim of this statement- This statement tells me about my rights to my personal information. It also tells me about your rights to the personal information that I give you and that you get from others. The statement deals with my and your rights when I apply for admission to an academic programme, when I register as a student and when I am no longer registered at JBC. 

What is personal information? Personal information is any information that can identify me as an individual. Examples of personal information are my name, personal identification number, contact information, background information, photograph, academic qualifications, details of academic performance and results from educational institutions that I attend at present or attended in the past. It may also include my National Benchmark scores.
The basis on which I provide you with personal information and you obtain personal information about me- I give you my personal information with my consent. If I am under the age of 18 years, the law treats me as a minor. You then also need the consent of the person who may legally consent to actions or decisions concerning me. So I promise that I would submit my application and register as a student with such consent, if it is needed. I give you my personal information voluntarily. I understand that you have to have my personal information to process my application and to provide education to me when I register as a student. I also understand that you cannot deal with my application or provide education to me if I do not give you the personal information you need. I also consent that you may get personal information that you need to consider my application and to provide education to me from others(for example, the Department of Basic Education, other educational institutions and the Department of Home Affairs). When you get information from others, you will need to give them some of my personal information. I consent and agree to this.

Your purposes for processing my personal information -You need to consider my personal information when you determine whether I meet the selection and admission requirements to study at JBC. When I register as a student, you need my personal information to provide education to me and carry out the academic administration relating to the programme for which I register. You use electronic learning platforms to provide a range of learning options. This may include from time to time platforms like Blackboard Collaborate, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, YouTube and WhatsApp. Since it is voluntary for me to share video, audio and text on these platforms, the privacy risk for me is limited. You collect analysis data when I use these platforms to improve your services to students and in the interest of my learning progress and support. When I graduate, you need my personal information to keep in contact with me as an alumnus and to 
verify that I have obtained the qualifications or have undertaken the studies that I represent to others I have obtained from you of undertaken with you. You need my personal information when your records are audited and when you carry out your statutory reporting duties.

Right to information and access - I have the right for you provide me with information about my personal information that you process. This statement provides me with the information I am entitled to receive. I may ask you to tell me whether you have personal information about me. You have to answer me free of charge.                                    
Right to object- I may object or protest that you process my personal information. You have to do what I ask. However, that will end my application and you may then not be able to provide education to me.                                       
Right to destroy, correct, delete or update-  I may ask you to destroy, correct, delete or update my personal information. I must do so by filling in Form 2 that,I can find in the Regulations relating to the Protection of Personal Information, 2018. You have to do what I ask, unless the law requires you to keep the information that you have. There may also be another justifiable reason for you to keep the information. I understand that if I ask you to delete or destroy my personal information, you will no longer have the information that you need to deal with my application or to provide education to me. If this happens, it will end my application and you may not be able to provide education to me.

Right to complain- I have the right to complain to the Information Regulator if I am of the view that you violate my rights regarding my personal information. I can visit the website of the Information Regulator ( for further information.                                                                                                  
Specific instances where you share my personal information with others -You share my personal information when the law requires you to do so, for example for purposes of the national learner database maintained by the Department of Higher Education/Quality Council for Trades and Occupations and/or the Association of Christian Religious Practioners. You share my personal information when it is in the interest of my academic progress or support, for example in communication with my parents, guardians or bursary sponsors. You share my name and contact details to your Alumni database and to potential employers or if ministry opportunities arise. 

How long do you keep my personal information? You will generally retain my personal information in accordance with your archive rules. But I understand that since the aim of my studies will be to obtain a qualification from an accredited institution that will benefit me for life, you need to retain certain of my personal information indefinitely.                                                                                                                                   
Other instruments - Further to the above, I understand that my personal information is also protected in terms of section 50 of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act, 2002 (ECT Act). In terms of section 51 of the ECT Act, I hereby provide my express written permission to you for the collection, collation, processing and/ or disclosure of any of my personal information as may be required, without prejudice to other legal grounds upon which you are permitted or required to do so. The Student Agreement that I conclude with you when I register, contains contractual terms relating to the processing of personal information.